Dear Pacific Highway (Highway 1),
I am writing to inform you that I will no longer be seeking your company for the remainder of my cycling trip to Cairns. Though you have offered me many scenic sightings (diamond python top on the list) and sent me off in the direction of many beautiful coastal side roads, you yourself are something else. I don't mean to be rude, but you are rather inconsistent. One moment you offer those cyclists traveling upon you a spacious shoulder, oftentimes even clear of debris such as trees, branches, and bushes. But as soon as one begins to rest in this offering, you take the shoulder away. At bridges. During passing lanes. And on curves, of all places! I can see you are trying. I traveled through many of your construction "improvement" zones. You are making valiant strides, yes! But it is not enough. You've had me praying for my life one too many times. And that blind, curving hill out of Coffs Harbour!? That was the worst! Did you see how close that truck came to me? You were right there, so I am sure you did. Despite all your coastal offerings and split highway upgrades, I no longer wish to be friends with you. I know you might try to protest and say, "But wait, I will be different in Queensland! I even have a new name!" I've heard only worse things about you as you wind your way north and so I have already made arrangements with your inland, mountainous cousins. Don't think big hills scare me, Pacific Highway, you have prepared me well. I wish you well and may you be kind to any future cyclists who dare to ride upon you.
Good day,
Kelsey M.
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